Property decorators

weakproperty() usage examples

What is a weakproperty?

When a python variable is assigned to an object in python, the reference count of object is increased by 1. When an object’s reference count reaches zero, the python runtime will free the object. Freeing an object means calling it’s destructor method __del__, and freeing the memory used by the object. An object’s reference count (or refcount) can be queried using the built-in function sys.getrefcount().

In cases when there is a circular reference, neither the destructor will be called nor memory will be released. A circular reference is when object A refers to object B, and object B refers to object A. For example:

>>> class MyObject(object):
...     def __del__(self):
...         print( self, "__del__ called")
>>> a = MyObject()
# if we delete variable `a`, the object will be released
>>> del a
<__main__.MyObject object at ...> __del__ called
>>> a = MyObject()
>>> b = MyObject()
# We refer object `b` from object `a`
>>> a.b = b
# And we refer object `a` from object `b`
>>> b.a = a
# We remove both objects
>>> del a
>>> del b
# No destructor was called! Our objects are still in the memory.
# We can confirm by executing the garbage collection explicitly
>>> import gc
>>> gc.collect()
<__main__.MyObject object at ...> __del__ called
<__main__.MyObject object at ...> __del__ called

It practice, these objects will be deleted eventually because there is a garbage collector in python, and it will find and release unused objects. However, the automatic garbage collection will be executed at arbitrary times, and that can cause really hard-to-find problems. (Ask the Java developers how happy they are when the JVM starts doing a full GC cycle and the whole application is blocked for minutes… :) )

The solution is to program with a forward object-ownership scheme (parent always owns child), and use weak references for any back-reference. A weak reference can refer to an object wihout increasing the refered object’s reference count:

>>> import weakref
>>> a = MyObject()
>>> b = MyObject()
# We refer object `b` from object `a`
>>> a.b = b
# And we create a weak reference from object `a` from object `b`
>>> b.a = weakref.ref(a)
# Let's have a look at the reference
>>> b.a
<weakref at ...; to 'MyObject' at ...>

# Now we attempt to delete object ``a``
>>> del a
<__main__.MyObject object at ...> __del__ called
# The destructor was executed, object `a` is now released

# Let's have a look at the reference in object `b`
>>> b.a
<weakref at ...; dead>
# The reference object still there, but it's now dead, meaning it's
# former target has been released.
# Now, `b` object should be released, because `a`, (and the reference
# to `b` in `a`) is gone released.
>>> del b
<__main__.MyObject object at ...> __del__ called

Using the weakproperty() decorator

This function takes a method as an input and returns a property which will store the value assigned to it as a weakref.ref to the value. When accessing the property, the referred object is returned.

Using the weakproperty() decorator:

>>> from qtils import weakproperty

>>> class Foo(object):
...     @weakproperty
...     def bar(self, value): pass

is the equivalent of wrapping the weak reference with the following property implementation:

>>> import weakref

>>> class Foo(object):
...     @property
...     def bar(self, value):
...         return self._bar() if self._bar is not None else None
...     @bar.setter
...     def bar(self, value):
...         if value is not None:
...             value = weakref.ref(value)
...         self._bar = value

Parent-Child example

The parent-child scenario is fairly common in frameworks. Think about accessing nodes in a parsed XML tree, marshaling JSON data to python objects and vice-versa, or registering handlers in a webserver, or a database connection and it’s cursors, or handlers of a CLI framework, etc.

Sometimes the child needs data from it’s parent. In this case, the child object will receive its parent’s pointer and save it in self.parent. This is a circular reference, and will cause these objects not to be released automatically as we expect.

Consider the following example:

>>> from qtils import weakproperty
>>> import sys

>>> class Parent(object):
...     def __init__(self):
...         self.children = []
...     def get_child(self):
...         child = Child(self)
...         self.children.append(child)
...         return child
...     def __del__(self):
...         print( self, "__del__ called")

>>> class Child(object):
...     def __init__(self, parent):
...         self.parent = parent
...     def __del__(self):
...         print( self, "__del__ called")

>>> parent = Parent()
>>> original_refcount = sys.getrefcount(parent)
>>> child = parent.get_child()

# Reference count of parent is now increased by one
>>> original_refcount + 1 == sys.getrefcount(parent)

# Let's attempt to free the parent object
>>> del parent
# No calls were made to parent.__del__` because it's still
# referred by `child.parent`. We free the child...
>>> del child
# ... and nothing was released because we have created a circular
# reference with `child.parent`. We can release these objects
# only by calling the garbage collection directly (or waiting for
# it to be executed auto-magically)
>>> import gc
>>> gc.collect()
<__main__.Parent object at ...> __del__ called
<__main__.Child object at ...> __del__ called

In the second example we use the weakproperty decorator to create the child.parent property.

>>> from qtils import weakproperty

>>> class Parent(object):
...     def __init__(self):
...         self.children = []
...     def get_child(self):
...         child = Child(self)
...         self.children.append(child)
...         return child
...     def __del__(self):
...         print( self, "__del__ called")

>>> class Child(object):
...     def __init__(self, parent):
...         self.parent = parent
...     @weakproperty
...     def parent(self, value):
...         pass
...     def __del__(self):
...         print( self, "__del__ called")

>>> parent = Parent()
>>> original_refcount = sys.getrefcount(parent)
>>> child = parent.get_child()
# Reference count of parent is NOT increased
>>> original_refcount == sys.getrefcount(parent)

# the property returns the parent object transparently
>>> child.parent
<__main__.Parent object at ...>
# And the weakref object stored in a private variable
>>> child._parent
<weakref at ... to 'Parent' at ...>

# The child is owned by it's parent, removing our `child`
# variable won't free the Child object.
>>> del child

# There is only 1 strong reference to the parent: the `parent`
# variable, because all the children's references to the parent
# are weak references.
# Removing the `parent` variable will cause the complete object
# tree to be released.
>>> del parent
<__main__.Parent object at ...> __del__ called
<__main__.Child object at ...> __del__ called

cachedproperty() usage examples

A property that caches return value of first get()

>>> from qtils import cachedproperty

>>> class DeepThought(object):
...     @cachedproperty
...     def answer_to_life_the_universe_and_everything(self):
...         print('Deep Thought is thinking')
...         # Deep Thought: Spends a period of 7.5 million years
...         # calculating the answer
...         return 42
>>> deep_thougth = DeepThought()
>>> deep_thougth.answer_to_life_the_universe_and_everything     # first call, getter is called
Deep Thought is thinking
>>> deep_thougth.answer_to_life_the_universe_and_everything     # second call, getter is not called
>>> del deep_thougth.answer_to_life_the_universe_and_everything # removing cached value
>>> deep_thougth.answer_to_life_the_universe_and_everything     # getter is called again
Deep Thought is thinking

See the API reference here.